Leadership Nomination Page

The Christian Church In Kentucky is beginning the process of selecting its leadership for the 2025-2026 biennium. This is your invitation to suggest specific persons for possible leadership positions as CCK Board members or officers, representatives to the Kentucky Council of Churches and members of the General Board of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the US and Canada.

You are also invited to suggest persons who might serve on the various program committees of the Region. These committees include the Committee on Ministry, Green Chalice, New Church Development and Outdoor Ministries.

There are many dedicated lay leaders, youth, women and men, and ministers from all across the Region who serve on committees that are responsible for the ministries of the Christian Church In Kentucky. Their talents, time and commitment are invaluable to the witness of the Region.

From experience, we know there are many other dedicated persons in our congregations, who, if challenged, would respond to positions of leadership and service.

Here is your opportunity to add your personal suggestions to the present file of potential leaders for the 2025-2026 biennium.

Please keep in mind that leadership responsibility involves time as well as capability. The Christian Church In Kentucky does reimburse travel (at 14 cents per mile), housing and meals for most of its leadership opportunities.

Also, it is recommended that consideration for leadership be given to racial and ethnic minorities, all age groups and genders.

Please complete the following form by March 1, 2024 to make your suggestion.