For the latest information on COVID-19 in Kentucky, visit the state’s information web site at

In cooperation with state and local government, Kentuckians are working to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the disease caused by the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. We are providing these resources to assist in guarding the health and safety of Kentucky’s Disciples.


Disciples and COVID-19
Resources from the Office of the General Minister and President, Week of Compassion, and the National Benevolent Association.

Ministries Across Generations
Resources and collaboration for youth, young adult, children, and family ministers. Worship and Wonder stories for Lent are available now on YouTube.

Week of Compassion
Please contact them if you have reported cases in congregations so that they can both track the virus and provide any needed logistical or financial assistance.

From the Regional Minister

Interim Regional Minister Dean Phelps shares a weekly meditation and song on the Region’s Facebook page. These are also available on the Region’s YouTube channel.